Tackling the barriers to getting involved in mental health research is the aim of our new exciting opportunities open to all those working in mental health in the North Thames region and nationally.
Funded by the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR), through the second iteration of a programme called Mental Health Research for All (MH-ALL), the new opportunities are aimed at people looking to develop and further their research career.
Anyone who works in or with mental health services can apply, including staff from NHS Trusts, local government, public health, social care, or community care. The programme is particularly keen for applications from candidates from minoritised communities and in roles in mental health and social care with limited opportunities to engage in research.
For the ‘all staff’ fellowships we are prioritising applications from people working in mental health in East London and Essex. For the ‘peer support worker’ fellowships we are accepting applications from the whole of England.
Professor Peter Fonagy and Dr Jenny Shand, who co-lead the MH-ALL programme, said:
“MH-ALL has reached parts of our health system that many earlier initiatives have not. We are delighted to have secured funding to support a further cohort of fellows. Building inclusive and accessible paths into research is essential for creating diverse participation and ensuring research is relevant and grounded in what matters most to those it hopes to benefit.”
The programme is offering part-time career development fellowships, running for twelve months starting in March 2025. These will allow staff funded time out from their current role, to develop a proposal for a PhD or to apply for other funding. They will receive advice and support from established researchers, dedicated mentoring and access to research skills training. The research can cover any area of mental health care (except dementia, which the NIHR supports through a different programme). Below details of the two fellowships:
ALL STAFF Career development fellowships for mental health and care professionals across the North Thames region (click here for North Thames region), with a priority given to including those working in East London and Essex.
PEER SUPPORT WORKER Career development fellowships: -for colleagues working in peer support / coaching or lived experience roles across England.
Full details can be found by clicking on this link.
Applications for the fellowships close on November 25th 1pm Anyone interested can get more information and help with their application through the support events listed below:
- Workshop on the application process with Q&A with Fran 7 October 1pm https://ucl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJApdeyvqD8iE9bqKaweKSVCY-XEBk3mkj-6
- 1:1 mini chats with Fran - https://calendly.com/rmhafza/mh-all2-fellowship
- Applicants can submit a draft application by October 21st 1pm – the MH-ALL team will arrange for light touch feedback to be returned by November 4th
- Meet the team – learn about MH-ALL and participate in one of our activities in person as part of the Bloomsbury Festival Wednesday 23rd October 6.30pm Weaving Kindness into Mental Health Research - Bloomsbury Festival
For informal queries please contact mh-all@ucl.ac.uk